SCIFR APIs support Industry standard Frameworks to accelerate encrypted data workloads on Cornami’s FracTLcore Computing Fabric without code changes.
Dial the FracTLcore Fabric up or down to hit desired performance vs cost.
The SCIFR API delivers a standardized interface to allow for the integration of new FHE applications and frameworks to seamlessly support its scalable FracTLcore Computing Fabric to achieve desired processing rates.
Additionally, SCIFR offers the ability to add premium features, enhancing the capabilities of frameworks/applications to take advantage of the scalability of the FracTLcore Computing Fabric to hit desired requirements.
SCIFR Supports Premium Features on Cornami Hardware
Optimization Capabilities
- Configure the FracTLcore Computing Fabric to the shape of the algorithm to hit enhanced performance at lower power and cost.
- Supports the ability to mix schemas within an application to optimize solutions.
Higher Silicon Efficiency
- Delvers the option to eliminate overhead from a co-processor approach by executing the entire FHE software circuit in the FracTLcore Computing Fabric.
- Enables applications to run efficiently without the need for additional hardware for the highest silicon efficiencies.
- The TruStream SDK empowers developers to customize applications. Create unique features to push the boundaries of what is achievable in the realm of Fully Homomorphic Encryption.